Prophetologion and Anthologion, your lenten companions

The Prophetologion is the Old Testament lectionary of the Orthodox Church. While selections from the Old Testament are read on the eves of feasts throughout the year, Lent is the season where the Old Testament takes center stage in the Church's liturgical life, with several readings assigned each day. These trace the history of God's people from creation to the prophecies of his Incarnation and Death. Virtually the entire book of Proverbs is also read, offering its wisdom in the season of our struggle for greater perfection. The book also includes selected hymnody and psalmody used at the daily services.

The Anthologion is a prayer book like none other, and during Lent it is especially useful for praying the special Lenten versions of the daily services: the Hours, Matins and Vespers. Many Orthodox Christians live far away from their parishes, and this incredible prayer book offers the ability to enter into the spiritual and liturgical life of the Church from anywhere, in a unique level of richness.

Share one of these rich and beautiful books with a friend or loved one who will treasure it during this season, and for a lifetime.

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