Anthologion Third Edition and new hardcover editions now shipping


We have completed shipping of Anthologion pre-orders, and the new Third Edition is now available for purchase—in both standard Bonded Leather and a limited remaining supply of Genuine Sheepskin Leather covers.

This expanded edition features the addition of the complete Psalter, the Festal Menaion, and more!

As we approach the beginning of a new Church Year in September, take this opportunity to grow in your spiritual life with the Anthologion from Saint Ignatius Orthodox Press.

Hardcover Editions

We are proud to now offer our very popular Didache and Letters of Saint Ignatius books in handsome hardcover editions. These treasures of the early church are as powerful and inspiring today as they were 1,900 years ago. Discover them today, and share them with others!

We appreciate your patience as we have worked to prepare these titles. We pray they prove to be a blessing to all readers.

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