Holy Psalter now available

We are pleased to announce that pre-orders for the "Mount Athos Psalter" are now open! This title completes our collection of beautiful Orthodox liturgical scripture books, joining our popular Holy Gospel, Holy Apostle, and Prophetologion as the fourth volume in the set.

What sets this Psalter apart

The Holy Psalter contains the Psalms and other scriptural Odes that are used throughout the Orthodox Church's liturgical life. It uses the Greek Septuagint ("LXX") Old Testament, the scripture used by the Apostles and the early Christians, and by the Orthodox Church today.

In addition to the Psalms, our Holy Psalter includes hymns and prayers after each of the 20 liturgical divisions of the Psalms (Kathismata), which is known as "The Cell Prayer Rule." That means the Holy Psalter from St. Ignatius Orthodox Press can be used as a prayer book by itself, following the unique liturgical tradition (Typikon) of the Holy Pantokatoros Monastery on Mount Athos. Working with professional translators, we are proud to offer this unique text for your edification.

The Holy Psalter also includes the nine Biblical Odes read at Matins, as well as other "Psalter-adjacent" hymns and prayers.

Readers of our other titles will appreciate the similar translation style, which completes the cohesive, prayerful feel of the entire collection. We have employed the same high quality design and printing standards to create a beautiful compliment to our other books.


  • Same high-quality look and feel as our other hardcover titles
  • 5 x 7.5 inch cloth-bound hardcover with foil stamp design featuring David the Prophet and King, the chief author of the Psalms
  • 310 pages
  • High quality paper with 2-color printing
  • Ribbon bookmarks
  • English translation of the Septuagint Psalter, in a formal and dignified style of Modern English
  • Psalms divided into the 20 Kathisma sections
  • Athonite hymnody and prayers of "The Cell Prayer Rule" after each Kathisma
  • Also includes the Nine Biblical Odes of Matins, the Eclogaria (selected Psalm verses for feast days), and Psalm 151 and additional Biblical Odes
  • The Holy Psalter is now available for pre-order, and we plan to begin shipping about November 11.

With the completion of all four titles, we are also pleased to offer a Liturgical Scriptures Bundle, containing all four titles at a special package price. We expect to begin shipping this bundle about November 18.

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