Saint Ignatius Orthodox Press titles in the missionary field
The global impact of the Anthologion and our other titles has been unexpected and humbling. We have heard stories from the far corners of the earth about how these books are being used to bring the light of Christ to those in need.
After many months of dialogue, we have begun an official collaboration with OCMC to bring our Orthodox scripture lectionary titles and the Anthologion into the missionary field with the blessing of Orthodox bishops in Kenya and eastern Africa, and eventually to Latin America as well.
The eventual goal, with God's help, is to produce local translations of these titles so the rapidly growing ranks of Orthodox Christians in these lands can worship more fully in their native languages, as well as create training materials to help seminarians, clergy, and chanters better understand the structure of the daily office.
This is a monumental undertaking that will take years of effort to bring to fruition. We ask for your ongoing prayers on the effort. If you feel so moved, consider supporting members of the OCMC translation team:
We want our past project backers to know that your support has opened so many incredible doors. Your generosity has led to the transformation of lives around the world through the publication of the Church's treasures. This will continue for generations to come!