Wholesale Terms of Service

Updated March 8, 2025.

  1. Our Wholesale discount is 30% on orders of $100 or greater, and 5% on orders under $100. The discount is applied automatically at checkout. (Coupon codes for Wholesale accounts created prior to March 1, 2025, have been deactivated.)
  2. Wholesale customers must place their first order within 90 days of approval, and must order at least once within 365 days to remain active. A lapsed Wholesale customer must submit a new application to restore Wholesale status.
  3. As Wholesale customers already enjoy a generous discount, Wholesale accounts do not qualify for retail discounts or offers.
  4. Wholesale accounts should not be used for personal purchases.
  5. Large or time-sensitive orders should be placed well in advance. At least two weeks is recommended.
  6. We strive to ship every order in a timely fashion, but large orders may require extra time. Please contact us if you have special timing constraints.
  7. All Wholesale orders should be placed through our website. We cannot accept orders via email or postal mail.
  8. Please be sure to place Wholesale orders with the account you used to sign up for Wholesale status. Failure to do so may delay your order.
  9. Billing (Net 30) is not available. All orders must be paid upfront.
  10. These terms may be modified by Saint Ignatius Orthodox Press at any time.

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