Saint Ignatius Orthodox Press

Praise for the Anthologion

"It is a very impressive and beautifully done work." — Bishop Basil of Wichita and Mid-America

"[Saint Ignatius Orthodox Press has] succeeded [in] giving English-speaking Orthodox something comparable to the breviary. [I] found that [my] own life was deeply enriched by the direct, simple language of these prayers... A treasure". — First Things

"At last: a book I have yearned for over some thirty years!" — Protodeacon William Baumgarth

"A fine publication and a job well-done... I have recommended [the Anthologion] to a number of my colleagues and students." — Dr. Harrison Russin, Assistant Professor of Liturgical Music, SVOTS

"I am used to offering the daily services in church, but the Anthologion enabled me to easily pray the hours while on deployment." — Priest Andrew Honore, Chaplain, US Navy

"The [Anthologion] is a very nice book, a perfect weight in the hands and really high-quality." — Priest N. U.

"The Anthologion's liturgical instructions are top-notch. I wish I'd had this when I was in the Saint Stephen's Program." — Deacon A. B.