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The Service of the Twelve Psalms (Audio)

The Service of the Twelve Psalms (Audio)

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The complete service, ideal for prayerful listening anytime.

  • Digital Download: MP3
  • Published: 2020
  • Duration: 33 minutes
  • Modern English (You/Your)

See Prayers of the Desert for the printed version of the Service of the Twelve Psalms


The Service of the Twelve Psalms developed out of the early monastic services, which featured the structured reading of the entire Psalter each day. Over time, other hymns and prayers came to be added to the daily services; but at the same time, the simpler Twelve Psalms service developed as a substitute for Matins, Vespers, and the Hours. It was prayed especially in small monasteries, or sketes, where the proper liturgical resources were not available, or monks did not have the skill or ability to perform the standard services.

Whether prevented from attending Church due to illness, travel, or other circumstances, or if one simply desires to observe the Church’s cycle of prayer in an uncomplicated way, these time-tested prayers have led countless souls on the road to salvation.

This audio recording may prove especially useful to those who have long commutes and would like to experience something of the Church’s divine services on a regular basis. In this recording, the service is read in a simple, churchly fashion by an ordained Reader of the Orthodox Church.

Note that the Twelve Psalms are not meant to replace the regular prayer rule, but to compliment it, as the corporate worship of Church services compliment our private worship in our daily prayers.

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